Friday, November 12, 2010

The Joy of Giving

Congregations often struggle to meet their annual budgets so use fundraisers to help pay the bills. But does God have a better plan? Listen beginning Sunday, November 14 on to hear what Scripture has to say about financing His kingdom.

Scripture: II Corinthians 8:1-5, 9:6-11
And now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints. And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will.

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written:

“He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor;
his righteousness endures forever.”

Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

Renewing Reflections
It is our prayer that Renewing Reflections will be a blessing in your life this coming week. This quote is taken from the sermon The Wake-Up Call delivered on Christian Crusaders November 11, 2001 by Rev. Larsen:

Christianity places great emphasis on giving. It starts with God giving His Son, and Jesus giving His life as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. Paul writes, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.” Those who have received God’s gift of salvation in Christ receive this giving spirit and are anxious to give themselves to the Lord. Dr. Chafin says that giving is a “heart matter.” We have to give.

Christian Crusaders Speakers
Since 1936 when Christian Crusaders first began broadcasting Sunday worship services, there have been only three speakers: Rev. G. E. Melchert, Rev. Bruno Schlachtenhaufen, and, since 1962, Rev. Homer Larsen. With an eye to the future, the Board of Directors has chosen Pastor Steven Kramer to be the Associate Speaker on Christian Crusaders. When Rev. Larsen is no longer able to preach on the program, Pastor Kramer will become our next speaker. Pastor Kramer will speak ten times in 2011 so our listeners can become better acquainted with his voice and style of preaching.

We thank God for his faithfulness to Christian Crusaders and its radio and Internet audience, and we pray you will join us in asking God’s blessings upon Pastors Larsen and Kramer.

On the Light Side
Everybody knew the roof was leaking, but the church kept putting off replacement. Finally, some areas of the ceiling in the sanctuary began to sag, so they called a congregational meeting. A very wealthy member rose and pledged $300 toward fixing the roof. Just then a small piece of the ceiling fell and hit him on the head. Somebody in the back of the church said, “Hit him again, Lord!”

Friday, November 5, 2010

Living and Dying

If you heard a person say, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain,” you might think that person never experienced real life. Beginning Sunday, November 7, we will look at the stories of several persons who learned to accept hardship with the knowledge that God was right beside them. Join us at

Scripture: Philippians 1:21-26
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me.

Renewing Reflections
It is our prayer that Renewing Reflections will be a blessing in your life this coming week. This quote is taken from the sermon Simon the Cross Bearer delivered on Christian Crusaders March 4, 2001 by Rev. Larsen:
We learn that Christ has the answer to life’s more serious problems. When our souls are filled with guilt, He offers us forgiveness. When life draws to a close, He assures us of a Heavenly home. When humans fail us, He promises never to fail or forsake us. When we have made mistakes, He tells us it’s never too late to start over. When life is boring, He gives us new challenges. Many crosses can be added to our life’s journey, but Jesus has promised, “Cast all of your cares on me, I care for you.” If you are a Christian, live with that promise. If you are not a Christian, receive Christ as your Savior."

Share the Good News
If you know anyone who might benefit from the Gospel-based messages available on Christian Crusaders, let them know about the ministry. Anyone in the country can listen anytime on Members of a church small group, a relative in a nursing home, a neighbor going through a difficult time . . . inviting any of them to listen might be a real blessing in their lives.

On the Light Side
Letters to God
Dear God,
Instead of letting people die and make new ones. Why don’t you just keep the ones you got now? – Jane

Dear God,
I think about you sometimes, even when I’m not praying. – Elliott

Dear God,
I am American. What are you? – Robert

Dear God,
Thank you for the baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy. – Joyce

Dear God,
I bet it is very hard for you to keep track of everybody in the whole world. There are only 4 in my family, and I can never do it. – Nan

Dear God,
If you watch in church Sunday, I will show you my new shoes. – Mickey D.